Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I've only got 4 minutes!

To be able to say I wrote a post today, I would have to finish and publish it in the next 4 minutes.

I don't know if I'll make it.

And even if I do, it will only be nonsense.

Not that my posts are super meaningful now, but at least they are usually cohesive.

If I were really creative, I'd write a quick Dr. Seuss-type poem that would make you all laugh so hard you cry.

But I've only got 2 minutes left...

Actually, make that one.

Ok, so I'm out of things.

I'm publishing this!


  1. Haha! I win.

    Sorry, this was like my lamest post so far. Our borrowed internet was having troubles earlier, so I had nearly given up on blogging tonight. But I decided to try at the last minute. So you all got a last minute post. I'd say I'll do better tomorrow, but for all I know, I'll get writer's block tomorrow and write about my writer's block which could end up being duller than this post!

  2. Never. Your posts are not dull. I don't read "dull" things.
