Monday, March 22, 2010

What would you do?

Well, I started a temporary job today. It only lasts through Friday. And I discovered that all I will be doing is answering the phone. Which rang roughly 15 times during the 7.5 hours I was in the office.

What does this mean? Loads of time, and I need stuff to occupy those loads. Today I read through all of Code of the Woosters, an excellent book by P.G. Wodehouse, and about half of To Kill a Mockingbird, the Harper Lee classic. Tomorrow brings another 7.5 hours. I'll probably finish To Kill a Mockingbird, but what else should I do this week?

Here is a statement I thought I'd never make: I need more books. I've read through my entire collection of books in the last year, between living in Cleveland (and only working about 10 hours a week) and not having a job here in Waco. Stephen has a lot of books I haven't read, but they aren't my type of books. Nonfiction... Yikes.

Anyway, I'll have to think of things to do. At SBU when I got bored at the Physical Plant or at the Writing Center (my senior year) I would take a coloring book and crayons and color. But I fear that the two gentlemen I am working for may not find that odd habit as endearing as my bosses at the PP and my professors in the WC did...

Does this post count as below puddle-depth-ness? Maybe, but I suppose I am allowed to change my mind. I mean, I can't dish out the funny all the time.

But I'll leave you with an awesome joke:
What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?

Any guesses???

"Where's my tractor??"
Ah! Best joke ever...


  1. 1. Lame joke. Maybe you can use your time at work to think of funnier jokes.

    2. Interesting that we both wrote about books the same day.

    3. You should read the books on my blog. Of all the books I've read, they are the ones I most recommend. So there must be something to them. Riiiiiight?

    4. :-)

  2. Honestly, what's the alternative to coloring books? "The Babysitters Club" - that's the alternative. Now you have to ask yourself which your bosses would find more creeptastical.

    May I recommend to you some Brock & Bodie Thoene? Yes, it's Christian historical fiction, but it's high caliber Christian historical fiction. They should have them at the library.

    And Stephen, you suck at life because that is seriously one of my most favorite jokes in history (especially when said in a hilarious voice not possibly done over these here interwebs).

  3. I told your joke twice at work today, but they're letting me come back tomorrow because they need me. You're welcome to read my copy of "The Big Book Of Church Jokes" the next time you/we come to visit.

  4. I gotta say... I didn't laugh at the joke. I nomrally would have laughed. But I'm kind of tired of laughing.

    I think the coloring book probably wouldn't be that great of an idea. What if those guys say something to your temping agency? Just saying-- there a lot of weird (and jerky) people out there who love to tattle (yes, we live in a world of 1st graders).

    I still vote you find the library. Then you can check out a bunch of books at once and only have to go back every 3 weeks. It's fantastic!
