Monday, March 29, 2010


Getting married was fun.

I love being married to Stephen Andrew Cowden. It's been the best almost 4 months of my life.

That said, being married takes some adjustment. On both parties.

Stephen has some little quirks and so do I. Most are just normal 'living together for the first time' kind of things. A few are a little odder...

For instance:

Stephen has been playing the Doogie Howser, MD theme song when he blogs. He won't buy the song from iTunes. He just plays the 30 second clip over and over and over.

Several times a day I come up with new nicknames for Stephen. At first, they were normal things, like Honey or Stevie. As our marriage has progressed, his names have progressed to weirder ones, like Bebo, Monkey, Bear Bear, Husby, or most recently, Birtenugg... I don't know why, but I think they are funny. Most fade after a while, but the ones I've listed still come out regularly.

Stephen likes to invent projects for himself. His newest 2 are A) we are 'planning' a trip to Europe, meaning we have been researching mostly Western European countries to find places we'd like to go someday and learn a little about them, and B) he is creating a timeline (actually 3 timelines) that will show the progression of big events in history, the church and music. From 1AD to present.

Most mornings, I make Stephen bug-check my slippers. Just in case.

When one of us leaves to go to work, we do the "Max wave" from How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Max, the Grinch's dog. He does the I-don't-know motion and then waves. If you havent' seen it, watch it. And that is what we do.

Stephen is really difficult to wake up most mornings. So I've found a method that works: I bounce on the bed and say "It's Up-Up time! It's Up-Up time!" and then I pull the covers back. He doesn't like it.

Sometimes, we talk in weird voices. And we pluralize words.

Ok, so most of the quirks are mine... But still. It's adjustment and that is the issue I wanted to address.

Fine. Not really. I just wanted to tell you some of the weird things we are learning about each other...

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